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2023 [Mar. 29th, 2023|12:54 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:March 30th, 2023 - 12:46 pm
Zini, mani interese ko Cibas femenistes domaa par sho visu. Vinjas staiga zem taa karoga, vai nee? Varbuut tikai taapeec ka vinjiem kopigs ienaidnieks (those not-nice people)?

Taas sievietes (old-school feminists), kuras negrib dot 'males' pieeju uz 'female' telpas izraisa taadu naidu 'T-kopienaa', ka esmu shokaa. Ne biju par to domaajis vai to redzeejis (Piemeram tajaa Let Women Speak akcijaa ar Posie Parker). Traki, vispaar.
[User Picture]
Date:March 30th, 2023 - 03:19 pm
Kā izskatās, tad feministes kratās nost no šīs tēmas, jo nav vairāk izdevīgi.

Par to transu naidu ar esmu domājis, izskatās, ka viņi jūtas nodoti, jo ir sačakarējuši savu dzīvi dēļ dumjas idejas, viņiem sasolīts nez kas pirms sevis kropļošanas, bet tagad viņus atgrūž. Cilvēki palikuši bez jebkādas perspektīvas nākotnē, tad tagad sāk lietas risināt tīri vīrišķīgā veidā, joprojām saucot sevi par sievietēm :), kas izskatās smieklīgi un skumji.
[User Picture]
Date:March 31st, 2023 - 09:58 am
jaa - laikam tev taisniiba - vismaz par dazhiem.
[User Picture]
Date:March 30th, 2023 - 11:22 pm
Taas sievietes (old-school feminists), kuras negrib dot 'males' pieeju uz 'female' telpas izraisa taadu naidu 'T-kopienaa', ka esmu shokaa. Ne biju par to domaajis vai to redzeejis (Piemeram tajaa Let Women Speak akcijaa ar Posie Parker). Traki, vispaar.

Tas vispār ir nenormāli smieklīgi un jūtu schadenfraude par to. No otras puses zinu, ka viņas ir pārāk stulbas, lai savilktu 'dots' un tāpat turpinās vainot baltos vīriešus. So, kā jau mūsu senči, kas patiesībā bija mūsu superiors mums centās izmisīgi atstāt lapiņu pudelē - never give women any fucking decision making rights burden LMAO!
[User Picture]
Date:March 31st, 2023 - 09:57 am
Nuu nezinu. Black Robin bija ielicis/likusi(?) linku nesen no LibDem konferences, kuraa var redzeet, ka tie cilveeki, kas kliedza 'bigot', 'shame' utt. uz sievieti (kura gribeeja saglabaat sievieshu tiesiibas kadaa +ve diskrimaacijas projecktaa) bija dzeki, nevis sievetes.
[User Picture]
Date:March 31st, 2023 - 01:58 pm
Jā, 'effeminate' džeki. Feminimsa un liberālisma/leftisma sekas. Nevajag domāt par feminismu kā kaut ko, kas concerns only women, jo it affects men as well and even worse. It produces weak, gullible, docile men, because feminine values are put on pedestal and sheepish men are compelled to adjust.
Man/woman dichotomy isn't only and even foremost about biology, it's about archetype and behavior/mindset that is behind that. Feminine mind is fickle and only concerns in subjective, empathy, feelgood. Masculine mind is concerned about objective, the truth, justice etc. Both of them can be harmful in excess or full dominance. We are now in age of aquarius, where only feminine mindset matters, which is why our culture is in such deep shit.
[User Picture]
Date:March 31st, 2023 - 02:26 pm
You say the feminine mind isn't concerned about truth and so on? Not sure about that.
[User Picture]
Date:March 31st, 2023 - 05:40 pm
Yes, i say that. There are women outliers, mostly those, who bought into conservative, christian or any other traditional values. Women in general don't care abut truth and don't understand or care about actions->consequences causality, therefore they're easily manipulated by any ongoing ideology. They would be the first and hardest zealots in strictly religious society and also the most ardent activists and pavlik morozov types in atheistic/satanic/communism type totalitarian system.
Women are always guided by men, always. Even in current neo-communist era. It's that just they are not guided by strong husbands and family bonds, but by (((politicians&media))), while men are getting weaker and weaker due to same corrosive ideology.

Bear in mind that it's not to say women are inherently bad in some way. It's just that both sexes have different nature, needs and natural functions that makes them wanted, needed and content. When the natural order is deliberately (or by catastrophy) destroyed, we get society that we see now, where we are nitpicking on which brand of insanity is better and how to manage it further, instead of weeding it out as the traditional societies would.
[User Picture]
Date:March 31st, 2023 - 07:00 pm
Well, maybe - but I should point out that the strongest people I knew during the whole vaccine huina were women. Men were, in general, weaker. I don't think they were outliers, though maybe in my particular bubble, there are are an unusual number of determined, passionate, strong-willed women able to stand up to all the social pressure from the usual suspects.
[User Picture]
Date:April 1st, 2023 - 01:08 pm
I maybe generalize too much according to my bubble. Even in Ciba most women are what i describe. Then again there are/were strong and intelligent ones. Remeber Heda? Or Methodron and some others. They're just outliers in my opinion. Women want to be guided/protected and if they aren't by good, strong men, then they seek this in 'strong' government, ideological apparatus, which in turn now is (by pure cohencidence) on course of destroying masculinity as such.
[User Picture]
Date:April 1st, 2023 - 11:57 pm
Vīriešu galvenais dzinulis ir vairošanās un kad sistēma tiek nostādīta tādejādi, ka sievietes ir galvenās(kautkādā sabiedrības daļā), tad daļa vīriešu(kā likums garā un fiziski vājie) pieņem šos spēles noteikumus tādejādi cerot tikt pie vairošanās, jo šī sabiedrības daļa lielākoties sastāv no sievietēm, kurām diezgan acīmredzot ir problēma ar normāliem vīriešiem, bet šie pakļāvīgie tiek pieņemti un kādā brīdī arī šīm sievietēm saniezās pēc bērniem, vai tikai pēc seksa.

Tā teikt, tāds ir šo vīriešu modelis tikt pie vairošanās, jo viņiem normālo vīriešu konkurencē ir maz izredžu, bet feministu kompānijās nav normālo vīriešu un attiecīgi feministisko vīriešu izredzes būtiski palielinās.