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The Sun Aviize (LOL ) [Nov. 30th, 2021|05:13 pm]
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Here, we take you through the main health dangers that can be triggered by cold weather... 

 1. Blood clots

 Sudden changes in temperature cause thermal stress for the body - which has to work harder to maintain its constant temperature. In particular, research has shown this makes it more likely for people to suffer from dangerous blood clots during winter. Study authors, from a hospital in Nice, France, suggested that respiratory tract infections more common in winter might make patients more vulnerable to blood clots. They also suggested that chilly weather might make the blood vessels constrict, making it more likely that blood clots will form. 

 2. Heart attacks 

People exposed to cold weather are more likely to suffer a heart attack, a recent study revealed. Researchers from Sweden from Lund University in Sweden found that the average number of heart attacks per day was significantly higher when the weather as cold compared to when the weather was warm. On a day-to-day basis it translated to four more heart attacks per day when the average temperature was below zero. It is thought the risk of heart attacks is higher in cold weather because the body responds to feeling chilly by restricting superficial blood vessels. This decreases how warm the skin is and increases blood flow through the arteries. The body also begins to shiver and your heart rate increases to keep you warm. But these responses can add extra stress on your heart.

4. Winter vagina

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[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2021 - 06:16 pm
Climate change, cold weather, diet, covid? Can't think of anything else.
Date:November 30th, 2021 - 06:28 pm
BigHarma, BigGreed? Impossible. Most likely extraterrestrials.
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2021 - 06:42 pm
better not catch winter vagina bros
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2021 - 08:15 pm
dunt'cha discrimineyt!

Vagyna 4 President!
Date:December 9th, 2021 - 02:00 am
tas ir kad tur lāstekas izaug?
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2021 - 07:08 pm
0. Winter cherries

Mans krusttēvs no kāda 73. gada līdz kādam 93. gadam (šie skaitļi varētu būt saistīti ar viņa dēla atnākšanu šaisaulē un aiziešanu no tās) nelamājās vispār.
Uz jebkuru akūtu vai hrōnisku zituāciju viņam bija viena atbilde – tas i' ķirsis!
Viendien es nenoturējos uz prasu: Arnīt, a kas tas tavs ķirsis tāds ir? Un viš man saka: Jaņķel, vispār jau viņi ir vairāki… Vispatīkamākie ir ziemas ķirši – sūdiņi, kas tev pielīp pie dibena. Tos var vienkārši nokasīt nost. Ar pārējiem ir grūtāk, bet tas ir ķirsis.
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2021 - 08:27 pm
4. punkts lasītāju uzmanības pievilināšanai, jo no pārējiem jau tā īsti nenobītos :D