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[Jan. 13th, 2021|10:24 am]
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Date:January 14th, 2021 - 08:13 pm
I have heard nothing about such cases. I find it implausible that any such scheme could be held in secret for long here in Latvia, if it were on large scale. Perhaps it has not yet made its ripples, and we'll hear about it soon?

On the other hand, how could any simple mortal "dispute" cause of death, which is written by the medics? Cause of death is something that medics write in, and you don't get to say "no, no, he is just resting!"

As regards COVID itself... well. The main issue with conspiracy theories is that they are not any much more believable than official statements. Not because they describe something impossible, but because they are not thorough enough -- too little data, and only describing the interpretations which suit the theorists.

Then again, consider where it all supposedly started - China. They have by now apparently quashed the COVID spread and China is now supposedly COVID free.

What do they do now? I read a journalist's account who was visiting his sick father in China, and as I understand that's what they apparently do to ALL foreign visitors without exception:

Now, while China is quite prosperous I find it hard to believe they would care to put such extreme measures on all travellers if they didn't think they made good sense for them.