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Are demons real? [Mar. 26th, 2020|11:16 am]
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Es te rakstīšu angliski, jo esmu ļoti aizņemts, bet domāju, ka varētu būt intersanti dažiem, kuriem ir pieredze ar lietuvēniēm:

Last night before I fell asleep I watched a video from 1980, in which the infamous occultist Genesis P Orridge and his Throbbing Gristle gave a concert at an English public school, Oundle. About 2 or 3 in the morning I woke with an experience I hadn't had for about 30 years. That suffocating terror and inability to move with a weight on my back. It passed after a while, but returned a little later, this time on my chest. I began to recite Jerusalem (I will explain later) and then the Lord's Prayer (couldn't remember the words unfortunately), and after a while the sensation rolled away.

I am not joking, but as I lay in bed, I heard a crow kvaark by the window and fly off.

Near the end of the concert, the boys in the crowd had sung a stirring and boisterous rendition of Jerusalem - seemingly apropos of nothing. When it finished, Messrs. Genesis stated "Very good. Though any of you who believe Jerusalem is to be found in England are mistaken. England is a toilet, which is where you get all your toilet roll, I suppose' (they'd been throwing bog roll at the band).

Might seem strange to you, but at the time, I was - and still am - convinced I had been visited by some kind of demon. It continued to haunt my dreams even after the sun had risen. I told this to my wife in the morning (due to mattress problems we haven't been sleeping in the same bed for a week or so). Turns out that at about the same time she had had a dream in which she had confronted some figure in the mist by the house. It wouldn't come out and fight, so - she told me while blowing her nose - she left her body and looked for answers in the universe - which is something that she does.

Real lovecraftian happening round ours.

I wonder if with all this silence (clear skies and quiet mutter of people) is leaving more space for t'other world. Or whether there is some other rational explanation.

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[User Picture]
Date:March 26th, 2020 - 12:56 pm
Cool shit, bro.
[User Picture]
Date:March 27th, 2020 - 12:09 pm
Tu esi pieredzējies šo Genesis P? Uzmanies!
[User Picture]
Date:March 31st, 2020 - 07:17 pm
Ļoti nedaudz. Paldies, tu arī.
[User Picture]
Date:March 26th, 2020 - 08:30 pm
There is too much tension last weeks. I see it many people, myself included.
[User Picture]
Date:March 27th, 2020 - 12:13 pm
Ir: jā. Visdrīzāk ir rūpes par savu ienākumu: pieņemu, ka daudziem ir pofig par šo slimību (vai vesēlīgi skatīties uz to).
[User Picture]
Date:March 26th, 2020 - 11:29 pm
Genesis P.orridge over YouTube alone is enough to invoke demons. They had some old fashioned dedication/ fascination / messing with the dark side of the force.

That aside, cik ilgi jūs jau dzīvojat tajà mājā? Cik veca ir pati māja?

[User Picture]
Date:March 27th, 2020 - 12:17 pm
Maja tika būvēta pirms aptuvenu 70 gadiem. Savukārt, es pienemu, ka Genesis P/you tube/public school bija pietiekoša spēcīga kombinācija , lai izsauktu ... to.