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Viss kartībā [Mar. 5th, 2018|12:49 pm]
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Date:March 6th, 2018 - 10:00 am
Don't know if it so much the white thing (my neighbours as a kid were the Bulzaras, hindus from India, and we got along fine) - it's more the slow spineless submission to Islam that is depressing and bewildering.
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Date:March 6th, 2018 - 10:19 am
This demonstrates to me how strong is the grip of the powers that be on the minds and beliefs of the people. Ten years ago nobody would have believed what is happening now. And yet we have so easily yielded in the name of democracy - how telling. Funny how, "progressing" from wisdom to licence, civilization has turned to mob rule. Once you get so many young kids on the screen, the old are presumed to have resigned in compliance, I reckon. Yet elders, much older than our old, with visions across the Horizon, are playing a game so much older than the rules of the media game.
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Date:March 6th, 2018 - 10:35 am
It is odd watching old British TV shows - usually comedies (sometimes if I'm feeling nostalgic I'll watch one on youtube). The social engineering is clear as day now, looking back (from 20 years in the future in Eastern Europe). I hadn't been aware of it at all at the time, and I suspect my friends weren't/still aren't. One of the problems is that the message these shows carried seemed to be anti-establishment and thus more genuine. We assumed only the conservative establishment was trying to manipulate us.
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Date:March 6th, 2018 - 08:23 pm
Share your red pills with your buddies. I know, it might be unpleasant, but that's the only way tu influence the tide.