Comments: |
Es? Neko. vnk esmu bijis pastaigā pēdējos 16 gadus... zini, Alberta ielā (6 gadus), Strelnieku ielā, Birojnicā esmu sēdējis - esmu bijis pasakumos šur tur.... ļoti atvainos, ja esi aizskarts, protams.
i wrote for, never got even instructions on what to write. usually i would come up with an idea, tell them, got yes (almost 100% time, actually i cannot remember a single time when they would have said no to my proposal), wrote, got paid. period.
the same with diena, they did not even ask to propose topics.
i have also written 1 article for satori. on refugees, hahaha. my proposal, my article, only minor language editing by them.
so can you please stop spreading these conspiracy theories?
First off, mate, this is Sviesta Ciba - a place for free thought and expression. You are welcome to dispute, object to, and discredit anything I or any other poster writes; however, here, don't, please tell/ask me or anyone else not to write what we want, how we want, and about what we want. I read your piece in Satori. It fitted in well with the rest of the content there editorially - a long, quite well written thesis essay, which didn't linger on any negative aspects of large-scale immigration of people from another culture. I would have appreciated that: By 'that', I mean a wordly, thoughtful piece that takes in all sides - still.
I'm not alone in this as it happens. I get most of news from the liberal UK Guardian, and the one-sided propaganda over this issue, the cherry picking of photos (find the child!), the avoidance of examining the actual demographics of the migrants (you know - young guys), and the actual countries they come from - all of this has lead to 99% of its readership blowing the proverbial gasket - just read the comments section - of the Guardian ffs.
Why are the Guardian towing this editorial line? The thesis they are trying to support is so weak, many readers feel they are somehow being forced to do it - and hence the mutterings about Soros's pronouncements (see PO's link below), and Sutherland's assessment (maybe you new boss knows him)
"Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative on international migration, was also surprised at how central and eastern European countries were undermining some of the EU’s key values so soon after joining its membership. “It’s amazing that this is the reaction of central and eastern Europe to the whole concept of solidarity, having only just joined,” Sutherland said. [guardian]
Sutherland, also chairman of Goldman Sachs International and Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, stated in a 2012 interview that “the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”. [wikipedia]
Maybe, maybe not...Wild conspiracy theory - the ravings of an old Bilderberg Goldman Sach's banker.. who cares, eh? Nothing for a concerned journalist to see here.
Regarding your journalism, I can't really comment as I haven't read much of it. However, I would like to ask you if you ever wonder if your consent has already been manufactured. Or, are you, like many young educated on the new mainstream liberal left just somehow cognizant of the correct line to take to get on?
If you are wondering what I am on about, I will explain. Do you write articles which could undermine the Sorosian (as far as I have experienced it) liberal worldview? Do you for example, write any articles on any of the following topics?
the ex-nihilo creation of debt of the private/central bank system the role of the banks (including Western banks) in the mass migration of Latvians post 2008 the pros of having sovereign (and democratic) control of the money supply
Have you written any articles which also take a positive view of national sovereignty in the context of the European Union? Have you written any articles examining the democratic deficit of the European Union? Have you written any articles looking not only at the negative policies of the new EU pariahs, but also at some of their positive outcomes (attempts by Orban to take on the banks, raising of the minimum wage etc). Actually have you looked into Soros's attempts to influence Latvian intelligentsia? Maybe you could do some digging? Look for links between people, events, funding for projects and so on? Hey, you could do some really good work there! You could give it to Diena or IR, and really prove me and the skeptics wrong.
Okay enough - you get my drift, I am sure. I have to do some work now.
oh. any good examples of that, please?
"Actually have you looked into Soros's attempts to influence Latvian intelligentsia?"
Glad you asked: just spent a fascinating couple of hours following links to receivers of Soros funds. Should have done this ages ago. As it was, my cynicism stemmed from finding myself in the orbit of Vjaceslavs and Boris (the right and the left - ex-colleagues in old Albert Street, one of whom knew the words to the Red flag at the Swedish Crayfish party - you know the place - the lectures in the Soros Hall and the potraits of Swedish bankers hanging on the wall.. Old V went in with the owner of Birojnica in the Zatlers Reform Party - Birojnica - the place with the Open Minded lectures (wasn't old Ivars giving lectures there - you know Soros Valdes priekšsēdētājs)? I'm sure I saw Marija from Providus down there (they got just under 220,000 Eir from old Soros). Maybe I'm mistaken - still she's here giving it the old one-sided migrant spiel - and Providus, well I like this quote from their web page: 'Sabiedrības gatavība pieņemt cilvēkus no citām valstīm, kas šeit nonākuši kara, katastrofu vai darba roku trūkuma dēļ, ir svarīgs priekšnosacījums Latvijas dinamiskai attīstībai nākotnē. Wouldn't you know it, but I've only just started - seems I've also got some neatliekamie darbi. But I'm not a journalist - you are.
Jau pa vēl pieteikties, protams, bet..
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![[User Picture]]( | From: | artis |
Date: | June 30th, 2016 - 11:57 pm |
| | | (Link) |
"the role of the banks (including Western banks) in the mass migration of Latvians post 2008"
spot on. it seems that no one will write about it... and since no one will... perhaps, you should. would be good to at least read your thoughts on it here in Ciba | |