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[Jan. 18th, 2016|12:07 pm]
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Date:January 19th, 2016 - 03:32 pm
oh. any good examples of that, please?

"Actually have you looked into Soros's attempts to influence Latvian intelligentsia?"
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Date:January 20th, 2016 - 12:04 am
Glad you asked: just spent a fascinating couple of hours following links to receivers of Soros funds. Should have done this ages ago. As it was, my cynicism stemmed from finding myself in the orbit of Vjaceslavs and Boris (the right and the left - ex-colleagues in old Albert Street, one of whom knew the words to the Red flag at the Swedish Crayfish party - you know the place - the lectures in the Soros Hall and the potraits of Swedish bankers hanging on the wall.. Old V went in with the owner of Birojnica in the Zatlers Reform Party - Birojnica - the place with the Open Minded lectures (wasn't old Ivars giving lectures there - you know Soros Valdes priekšsēdētājs)? I'm sure I saw Marija from Providus down there (they got just under 220,000 Eir from old Soros). Maybe I'm mistaken - still she's here giving it the old one-sided migrant spiel - and Providus, well I like this quote from their web page: 'Sabiedrības gatavība pieņemt cilvēkus no citām valstīm, kas šeit nonākuši kara, katastrofu vai darba roku trūkuma dēļ, ir svarīgs priekšnosacījums Latvijas dinamiskai attīstībai nākotnē. Wouldn't you know it, but I've only just started - seems I've also got some neatliekamie darbi. But I'm not a journalist - you are.
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Date:January 21st, 2016 - 03:24 pm
Jau pa vēl pieteikties, protams, bet..

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