Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-04-04 09:34:00

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Indiegogo campaign for Latino superhero comic
NewImage Bruce Logan, a director/cinematographer who worked on Tron, Star Wars, Batman Forever, and many other projects, and Richard Soto, an actor/teacher/storyteller, developed a new comic book about a Latino comic book artist who draws to entertain the kids in the barrio. The star of the comic-within-the-comic is an Aztec superhero, El Lobo, who protects the barrio from the neighborhood gangs. Guess what happens next… El Lobo comes to life! Right now, Logan, Soto, and artist Albert Morales (Fantastic Four, The New Avengers, etc.) are trying to fund the completion and publication of the comic with an Indiegogo campaign. Their hope is that the comic will set the stage for an eventual feature film. The Legend of El Lobo (Thanks, Bob Pescovitz!)

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