Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-30 12:21:00

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Embarrassingly obvious undercover cops take to Twitter looking for house shows
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<p class='ljsyndicationlink'><a href=''></a></p><p class='ljsyndicationlink'><a href=''></a></p><p> <img src="" class="bordered"><br /> Internet-savvy indie musicians organize "house shows," which are pretty much what they sound like: a fan lets the band use her or his house for a performance, and other fans come by and hear it. The shows aren't legal, but they're pretty fun*. <p> Boston cops have taken to Twitter, posing as punk kids, trying to get bands to tip off the location of their house shows. As Slate's Luke O'Neil points out, though, they're <em>really bad</em> at it, totally tone-deaf. It's created something of an Internet sport of "spot the undercover," which is almost as much fun as the house parties. <blockquote> <p> “Too bad you were not here this weekend,” “Joe Sly” wrote. “Patty's day is a mad house I am still pissing green beer.&#160; The cops do break balls something wicked here. What's the address for Saturday Night, love DIY concerts.” He might as well have written “<a href=""">Just got an 8 ball of beer and I’m ready to party</a>.”</p> <p>Is it possible that Joe Sly is a real Boston punk? Sure, though if so he’s the first Boston punk in history to brag about drinking lame St. Patrick’s Day green beer. As one of the many amused music fans <a href="">who scoffed at the screencap</a> as it was <a href="">shared around on Tumblr</a> <a href="">pointed out, </a>“he/she said concerts ... concerts.” Anyone who's ever been to a concert like this knows that it's not called a <em>concert</em>. It’s a <em>show</em>.</p> <p>The Massachusetts band Do No Harm <a href="">also tweeted about receiving an email</a> from Joe this month. “whats the 411 for the show saturday?” he asked, apparently using some sort of slang-filter translator from the turn of the century.</p> </blockquote> <p> Of course, there may be <em>really good</em> undercovers trolling Twitter for house parties that we don't know about because of their perfect ninja stealth. If only disproving a negative was possible! <p> <a href="">Boston Punk Zombies Are Watching You!</a> [Slate/Luke O'Neil] <hr /> <p> * Though I have some sympathy with neighbors who don't like the late night noise -- when <a href="">an illegal, unlicensed hotel</a> moved in next door to me and started drilling into my bedroom wall all night, and jackhammering against the wall for 8 hours straight on Christmas, it made me totally bananas. <img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /></a></td><td valign='middle'><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /></a></td></tr></table></div><img src="" height="1" width="1"/>

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