Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-29 10:10:00

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Ouya, $100 Android game console, ships to early backers
Ouya, the $100 game console, is already shipping to Kickstarter backers who helped the Android-based project get going last year. For the rest of us, there's an official retail release date: June 4. Bloomberg:
About 55 games will be available with today’s release, according to [Ouya founder Julie] Uhrman. The cube-shaped player uses a version of Android that requires developers to create applications and games just for the device. Games must be free, offer a free trial or have free add-ons, the company said. ... Ouya plans to keep 30 percent of game sales, with developers getting the rest.

You can preorder an Ouya at Amazon and at the official store.

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