Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-29 08:08:00

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Watch the latest video posts in our Boing Boing video archives

We've gathered fresh video for you to surf and enjoy on the Boing Boing video page. The latest finds for your viewing pleasure include:

• Frank Zappa reads the dirty bits of Naked Lunch.
• TIme-lapse of a particularly intense aurora borealis display.
• The Shangri-Las perform "Out in the Streets" (1965).
• Super 8 music "video" for new Barn Owl song.
• Two-headed bull shark.
• Telekinesis' latest video has a romantic ghost in the machine.
• Dolphin funeral? Adult dolphin "carries calf around for days." Grieving?
• Reading Frenzy, the astoundingly great zine store in Portland, OR, lost its lease. They need to raise $50K to reopen.

Boing Boing: Video!

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