Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-28 17:09:00

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Last week, I put up a post asking BB readers to tell us (and each other) about their projects. You-all upvoted your favorites, and herewith presented is a list of some of the coolest things you're up to (there's plenty that didn't make the cut but still fascinate -- have a look).

There's so much awesome here that I'm going to split this into a morning and evening post. Here's this morning's bunch (for an unfiltered view, go read the totally awesome thread for yourself).

First in this batch: Matthew Heberger is translating "Where There is No Doctor" (an amazing book I relied on extensively when I was a volunteer school-builder in Central America) into Bambara for use in Mali:

Mali, in West Africa only has about 1,000 physicians for 14 million people, and has among the world's highest rates of infant mortality and lowest life expectancy. So we got together a group of volunteers to help coordinate the translation of the book "Where There is No Doctor" into Bambara, the country's most widely-spoken language. It is an amazing resource that can literally save lives!

Emojk runs a site called FindersKeepers:

I've been managing a website for 6 years now, where I post pictures, letters and other stuff that I and my friends (and whoever wants to forward them) have found on the streets:

The findings are mostly French, as is the website, though there are quite a few letters in English, and photos are international, obviously.I hope to make it into a book quite soon, so if you know anyone interested... Meanwhile, don't hesitate to send your treasures!

avoision's site Spitshake makes it easy to produce formal-looking contracts for stupid bets:

I recently launched a project that helps facilitate silly bets/wagers between friends, via customizable contracts. The site started after a friend of mine attempted to eat six Arby's roast beef sandwiches in an hour (without getting sick). Halfway through, he got into an argument with another friend about the bet logistics. We thought it would have been great to have had a formal-looking contract, with all the details spelled out... and that's basically what this site does. Seems to be pretty ideal for food and eating related challenges.

Bok's running a Kickstarter for a comic-strip documentary:

Our comic strip documentary (featuring Bill Watterson and more) is almost done! We're Kickstarting the licensing fees to help make it awesome :)

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