Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-28 11:33:00

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Owner reunited with camera she lost in Hawaii after it washes up on Taiwan beach 6 years later

Lindsay Scallan of Newnan, Georgia took photos on her Canon PowerShot during a vacation on Maui in 2007, and lost her new camera (in its waterproof case) during a night scuba dive. "The seas were really rough. There was a lot of sand stirred up. It was hard to see," she told HawaiiNewsNow. Over the next 6 years, it floated thousands of miles to Taiwan, where an employee of China Airlines discovered the camera on a beach in February, 2013. "The airline asked Hawaii News Now to help find the owner seen in many of the pictures." The story went viral, and Scallan has been reunited with her gadget, and her memories.

[via CNN]

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