Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-25 06:28:00

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NY Mag feature on epic NBC "Today" Lauer/Curry cold war is backstab-o-licious
Joe Hagan's New York Magazine feature on the bitter internal conflict behind the smiles of NBC's long-running Today show is a wonderful read, whether or not you give a shit about Today, or network daytime television in general.

I don't want to spoil it for you, but that 9th graf down from the top is the ultimate "oh snap!" of media gossip writing.

The piece is full of interesting dirt about Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, and the suits that run NBC, including this little nugget about the network's cockblocking of a compassionate gesture for a woman with cancer at a rival network:

"When Robin Roberts left Good Morning America a month later to get treatment for MDS, Curry asked NBC if she could tweet a note of sympathy for the ABC co-host. NBC said no, afraid she was trying to aid the enemy."

(Photo: Gillian Laub/NY Magazine)

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