Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-24 10:36:00

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Arijit "Poop Strong" Guha has died of colon cancer

Arijit "Poop Strong" Guha (Twitter), a really sweet guy who took on a dirty rotten insurance company and stood up to TSA "Flying While Brown" bullying (while wearing a t-shirt designed by Boing Boing's own Cory Doctorow) has died.

He was 31, and had metastatic colon cancer.

I did not know Arijit in person, but we exchanged a number of internet messages since we met online as cancer-compadres. His wife posted this today to their Facebook page.

It is with the deepest sadness I have ever known that I share the following: Arijit Guha—the bravest, kindest, most compassionate man to grace this planet—died earlier today. He went peacefully, at home, surrounded by love and free from pain. He lived his life, even up to the very end, with warmth, humor, and positivity, and his boundless capacity for hope and love gives me strength. He will be greatly missed, but I know that his beauty, goodness, and desire to make the world a better place will continue on through all of the people and lives he has touched.

My heart is aching, but the pain is eased a bit knowing that he has the support of such an amazing community of people, so many of whom have never met him. I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all you have done for him. He is truly an inspiration (though he hated being told so), and I will be eternally grateful to have had him in my life, and to have been able to share him with all of you.



Here's a Facebook memorial page for him: "Celebrating Arijit, Life, and Hope."

Arijit Guha—rabble rouser, do-gooder, mustache enthusiast—died on March 22, 2013, after a spirited, graceful, and inspirational bout with cancer. His life was one of love, optimism, joy, humor, and compassion, and this page is to celebrate that life.

My heart goes out to you, Heather, and to all who knew and loved this kind young man.

Fuck cancer. And fuck injustice. Long live love.

(via Arizona Daily Star and @KinkyCancer)

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