Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-22 14:17:00

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A celebration of ‘Paris Is Burning’ with Peaches Christ and Latrice Royale
According to Niall Connolly at Dangerous Minds, "If you have not seen Paris Is Burning, you’re just not doing it right. I’m talking Life, honey."
I’ve written about Paris Is Burning before, and referenced it in my recent ballroom piece for Boing Boing, but the truth is that the impact of this film on gay culture, and by extension culture at large, cannot be overestimated. That a film about underground drag culture and voguing resonated so strongly amongst gays should not be a surprise, but what is surprising is how far its influence has spread in “straight” circles. Its language and imagery are now common parlance, and it won a recent PBS “best documentary” poll by an overwhelming landslide.</p>

Which is why I was so delighted to see Paris Is Burning get recent a Midnight Mass screening in San Francisco, hosted by the queens Peaches Christ and Latrice Royale.

Read: Legendary: A celebration of ‘Paris Is Burning’ with Peaches Christ and Latrice Royale [Dangerous Minds]

And don't miss Niall's earlier feature for Boing Boing on voguing.

Check out Robbie Sweeny's photoset from the Castro Theater event.

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