Boing Boing ([info]boingboing) rakstīja,
@ 2013-03-22 14:02:00

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National Conference for Media Reform coming to Denver, CO, April 5-17 2013
Josh Stearns writes,

Denver is about to become the epicenter of awesome, when the National Conference for Media Reform comes to town bringing 2,500 coders, journalists, media makers, artists and comedians together to hack the future of tech, media and democracy.

• What other event brings together 3D printers and wearable computers with policy debates about CISPA and slam poetry?

• Where else can you see Kimya Dawson of the Moldy Peaches and Evangeline Lilly from Lost hanging out with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and Former White House Tech Advisor Susan Crawford?

• Why in the world would the heads of Upworthy, NARAL, Common Cause and be going to Denver?

• What if you could see Brian Stelter of the New York Times talking with founder Anna Holmes about digital media?

• What if you learned how to code from Catherine Bracy of Code for America and Kimberly Bryant of Black Girls Code?

The fight for civil liberties, for Internet Freedom, for digital rights is coming to Denver, April 5-7 -- are you?

More links: Latino Tech and Media Activism at the conference, and the Arts, Comedy and Music events taking place there.

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