belochka88 ([info]belochka88) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-07 01:57:00

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On The Run.
I've started the two month marathon. I'm currently at my family home in NJ. It is really good to be back, though it is quite hectic here. Hopefully I'll get to relax some before hitting Seattle.Thanks to everyone who called and left messages, wishing me well on my trip. Apologies for not returning calls...I left a lot of things to the last minute and so I was scrambling to get everything done before I left. And of course, despite packing a zillion+ things, I forget one or two vital items. Stuff I can't buy. Ugh! I'll just have to get my roommate to mail it to me.I'm going to be checking email and my cellphone sporadically, so I may very well be out of the loop on personal stuff for the next couple of months. LJ will be checked even less, especially when I get to Seattle. So if there is something that needs my attention, please call me on the cell--it'll be the mode of communication of choice.It'll be great to see friends in the NY/Penn area. If there are others who want to meet up(beyond those I'm already planning to see), just drop me a line via email. The same goes for those in the Seattle area.Yay! I'm on my way!

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