belochka88 ([info]belochka88) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-06 01:29:00

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Dear Pillow Reminder!
Reminder!Bryan Poyser's(poyboy) film, Dear Pillow", film will be screening tonight at the Angelika at 7 PM. Tickets are 8 dollars. "Dear Pillow" has screened at Slamdance, SXSW, L.A., New York, etc. It recently won Best Feature at the Boston Underground Film Festival. I've seen it and it is a most excellent film. More information on the screening is available here.Bryan will be at the film and I believe hell be doing a Q&A session afterwards for anyone interested in asking him about the film.This will probably be the last time Im out and about in the DFW area for two months! I leave in a few days on my trip. So I hope to get a chance to see a lot of you. It looks like well be doing some sort of post-film-screening outingthere are a lot of bars and the like in the area and there should be a goodly number of us, so join us for the film, then come out and party with us afterwards!

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