belochka88 ([info]belochka88) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-01 15:03:00

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For some reason, I'm under the impression that someone told me this weekend that there was something going on at the end of May that they'd like me to attend. If this is the case, please let me know now. I'm trying to figure out my schedule, which includes buying various plane tickets, for the summer ASAP.The Clarion West 2004 Class is pretty diverse. So far, the ages range from 21 to early 40s. Of the 17 of us, at least two are foreign students(one from Canada, one from France), with educational backgrounds ranging from various higher education degrees to those without a college degree whatsoever. Several members of the class have been previously published, while others have never submitted a single item for print. The gender split is roughly equal.I've received the package of information today from them and the content is daunting. Time is going to be a precious commodity. On the plus side, there is apparently a weekly party at CW to blow off steam and to do some networking, with the author-instructors as well as local authors and former CW graduates. If Octavia Butler(who lives in Seattle) happens to be at one of those parties, I'll go crazy with joy and turn into a quivering mass of jello from fanboyitis.Correspondence via Yahoo Groups continues to be fun. The coordinator for CW also helped organize the Nebulas this year and she related to us an amusing bit from this year's award ceremony: "Harlan Ellison was a one-man show at the awards. He hired (on the sly) a trio of blondes in short skirts to sing "Unforgettable" to Bob Silverberg before he received the Grand master Award. It was touching and hilarious. Harlan was in rare form this weekend." I thought Harlan Ellison and Robert Silverberg fans would find that amusing.*****This weekend was fun and intense and great for seeing old friends and/or people I hadn't expected to see again. There was some oddness and some tension, but my worries about said oddness have been alleviated with discussion and support with/of friends. I don't feel like rehashing the weekend, since so many others have given their own version of updates. With this weekend over, I'm going to be at least a bit less out-and-about social. I need to stop fucking around and get back to writing.

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