belochka88 ([info]belochka88) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-15 08:15:00

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A Disclaimer.
I've heard about LiveJournal for awhile now. I once had an account given to me by a friend. I never ended up writing anything in it for one reason or the other. Perhaps I didn't see a point in writing in it then, when others could read my thoughts. Is it really a journal then or just an excuse to flaunt your writings and talk about yourself?I'm still a little wary about writing in it now, but I've decided I'm going to do it. But I figure I owe anyone who chances on my journal a warning -- I'm writing for myself. I'm going to write as if this was a private journal, accessible only by me. Sure, I'll probably end up censoring myself. We all censor ourselves, even when alone. The brutal truth, if there is a singular truth, is sometimes too hard to handle. But beyond the censorship I may impose on myself, I'll be writing from the hip. I hope. My courage may waver at times; it may be too much truth for even me.Still, I think I can do this, because only two friends will openly know the journal exists: Astra and Sarah. Astra has been my friend for 7 odd years now and by this point, probably knows me better than most people alive. I don't think she's easily offended or spooked, either, even if I write about her. I doubt there is anything I'll write in here about her that I haven't said to her face already. Good, bad and ugly.The same can be said for Sarah, in a way. I've known Sarah for oh, what 4 or 5 years? I certainly don't know her anywhere as near as well as I know Astra, nor does she know me anywhere as near as well as Astra knows me. Yet, I can say I trust her, at least with my thoughts. And that implies a high level of trust, doesn't it? For what is more important to a person than their innermost thoughts? Mmm...A good question. I suppose I'm selling other aspects of life short...there are many things more important than thoughts. But for me, at least at times, my thoughts are my most prized possession. And I don't think she'll be offended or angered by my thoughts, even when they're about her.And for the random individual who might accidentally, or purposefully, happen upon this journal -- you may or may not like what you read here. I'm not writing for posterity. I'm not writing with any particular skill, style or wit. I'm going to be as honest as I dare. About myself. My thoughts. My life. And people in it. I'm doing it to motivate myself to write. I'm doing it, because I want to get my thoughts out on paper; perhaps they willl be useful to me later on.If you happen to be someone who knows me...well, you may or may not like what I have to say. But if you're a friend, a real friend, you already know I care about you. You should be able to handle both the good and the bad I may have to write about you.

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