belochka88 ([info]belochka88) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-26 14:27:00

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Indians and The Guinness World Record.
What is with Indians? I was watching CNN today and heard this bit that apparently Indians either hold nearly 25 percent of all Guinness World records or they have applied for about one-quarter of all Guinness World Records(why CNN was spending a good five to ten minutes on this nonsense is yet another question).The records are mostly idiotic records. For instance, one Indian guy has applied 300 times to be recognized by the Guinness World Record and has been accepted three times, including one for the longest pizza delivery(Bombay to San Fransisco -- who the fuck ordered it?!). Another example was the "strongest mustache" and another is the longest ear-hair.This shit is just idiotic. I don't get what is with my ethnic homeland. I think there are bigger issues that could be faced, better ways to focus their energy on in India than this bullshit. It just irritates me.The guy who got the record for longest pizza delivery now has a business where he consults for others who want to break/make the Guinness World Record. Ugh! I'll give him a Guinness World Record -- most idiotic person I've seen on tv in the last several weeks!

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