belochka88 ([info]belochka88) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-25 12:38:00

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David Blaine Is The MAN!
I don't remember when I first saw David Blaine on tv, but when I saw his first show, I knew there was something special about him. Oh, sure, like others, I thought David Copperfield was pretty cool. But it was a lot of stage magic. A lot of over the top performances. Tricks of mirrors, angles, cameras, whatever. I mean, it was cool...but I wasn't really super impressed.Then I saw David Blaine and I was blown away. This man is the master of the slight of hand. The fact that he just walks around and does performances for average people on the sidewalk is neat, but it's the type of tricks that he does that takes the cake. It's hard to put a word to describe his tricks; they seem so normal, except they're just out of this world. I think it's his laid back manner, his average every-day man kind of attitude, as he performs mind boggling tricks effortlessly that is so fun to watch.I think it's also the fact that his tricks are so unique. Stuff you just haven't seen before(or at least I haven't.) I strongly recommend trying to see a rerun of one of his shows on tv. It's well worth it.

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