Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - joi joi

About joi joi

Previous Entry joi joi25. Mar 2021 @ 10:14 Next Entry
Maybe money can’t buy you happiness, but meaningfulness can help you offset any losses. In "Some Key Differences between a Happy Life and a Meaningful Life", the authors write:

“These findings illuminate the so-called ‘parenthood paradox,’ which is that most people want to be happy and want to become parents, but those two goals are in conflict insofar as becoming a parent often reduces happiness (e.g., Twenge, Campbell, & Foster, 2003; cf. Nelson et al., in press)

Baumeister (1991) proposed that the parenthood paradox can be resolved by proposing that people seek not just happiness but also meaning, and so they become parents because the gains in meaningfulness offset losses in happiness.

The present findings are consistent with that conclusion, which has broader implications for positive psychology, because they suggest that people will pursue meaningfulness even at the expense of happiness.”

// https://sourcesofinsight.com/happy-vs-meaningful-which-life-do-you-want/
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Date: 25. Marts 2021 - 11:07
Rings so true ♡
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Date: 25. Marts 2021 - 19:35
Vai tad nevar dzīvot "meaningful life" bez bērniem? Var protams risināt paradoksu, bet var arī... nerisināt. Un arī lieli vārdi - *any* losses, can be *resolved*. Visu cieņu "positive psychology", pats piekopju, bet ka kādam nesanāk sevi apmānīt lašot so.
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Date: 25. Marts 2021 - 23:09
>Vai tad nevar dzīvot "meaningful life" bez bērniem?

droši vien, ka var. nekas taču nav teikts par citiem meaningful veidiem, vai to neesamību. man izskatās, ka bērni varētu būt vienkārši top izplatītākais veids, kā sajust savu dzīvi kā meaningful, līdz ar to arī nav brīnums, ka uzsvars ir uz to.

pieņemu, ka no psiholoģiskā viedokļa tas ir paradoksāli, ka cilvēki var apzināti izvēlēties mazāk happiness, un tad nu mēģina to kaut kā skaidrot.

> Un arī lieli vārdi - *any* losses, can be *resolved*.

offset nav resolved. resolved ir par paradoksu. par lossiem ir offset. bet, jā, man arī šķita drusku par šerpu paņemts, bet nolēmu nekropļot citātu. tās galu galā nav manas domas.

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Date: 26. Marts 2021 - 00:23
empty happiness is empty
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