Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - aisthetikos

About aisthetikos

Previous Entry aisthetikos12. Feb 2019 @ 14:26 Next Entry
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Date: 12. Februāris 2019 - 23:50
Vienkārši dīvaini. Kinda like this:

The first afternoon I was here, Mrs. Buntline made me come out on the back porch and look at the sunset. So I did, and I said I liked it very much, but she kept waiting for me to say something else. I couldn't think of what I was supposed to say, so I said what seemed like a dumb thing. "Thank you very much," I said. That is exactly what she was waiting for. "You're entirely welcome," she said. I have since thanked her for the ocean, the moon, the stars in the sky, and the United States Constitution.
Date: 12. Februāris 2019 - 23:56
Es to iztēlojos tā: tu pasaki vērtējošu spriedumu par realitāti un sevi tādā veidā noskaņo. Tas ir kā dzert vīnu un izgaršot. Nez, vai vajag vienmēr noskaņot citus, bet tā jau ir gaumes lieta. Citus noskaņot = manipulēt ar gaumes objekta vērtību.
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Date: 13. Februāris 2019 - 00:07
Tam, iespējams, varētu piekrist, bet tas laikam nav tas, kā es sākotnējā ierakstā domāju vārdu "lepoties".
Date: 13. Februāris 2019 - 08:36
Kā tad tu to domāji?
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Date: 13. Februāris 2019 - 11:30
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