Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Maths on sex

About Maths on sex

Previous Entry Maths on sex25. Jun 2012 @ 15:40 Next Entry
(ir doma)
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Date: 25. Jūnijs 2012 - 17:16
> By virtue of the fact that sex has to occur between two people

Says who?
Date: 25. Jūnijs 2012 - 20:37
"There is no 'ban' on gays marrying, any more than there is a ban on men breastfeeding."
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Date: 26. Jūnijs 2012 - 09:06
Well, if it is only one person, it is usually not called sex.

And if you know scores of threesomes and group orgy people, do tell your experiences, we might make a revolution in statistics!
(ir doma)
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