Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - read the alt tags

About read the alt tags

Previous Entry read the alt tags25. Maijs 2011 @ 09:34 Next Entry
"Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first link in the article text not in parentheses or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at "Philosophy"."

// no šodienas [info]xkcd
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Date: 25. Maijs 2011 - 13:57
Es spiedu uz "random article", sekoju noteikumiem un beigās nokļuvu cilpā.

UTC clade -> Green algae -> Algae -> Autotroph -> Organism -> Biology -> Natural science -> Fact -> (Information -> Sequence -> Mathematics -> Science -> Knowledge -> Fact)
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Date: 25. Maijs 2011 - 14:03
Ar otro un trešo mēģinājumu tā pati cilpa.
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Date: 25. Maijs 2011 - 14:49
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Date: 26. Maijs 2011 - 18:33
a man sanāca! no kaut kāda vācu ezera nosaukuma, izceļoties pa ķīmiskām substancēm, valodām un tautām. vienīgi aiz Philosophy var arī tālāk turpināt.
Date: 26. Maijs 2011 - 18:43
Turpinot pēc philosophy var pat neattapt, ka joprojām esi iekš philosophy. Vai arī nemaz iekšā nenākt. Kliku skaits katra paša ziņā.
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Date: 28. Maijs 2011 - 16:57
jes, 13 kliki:
Venice Film Festival-Film festival-Film-Recording-Data storage device-Peripheral-Computer architecture-Computer_science-Information-Sequence-Mathematics-Quantity-Property (philosophy)-Modern philosophy-Philosophy
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Date: 28. Maijs 2011 - 17:02
simpātiski arī, ka pēc Philosophy nonākam loopā:

Philosophy-Existence-Senses-Physiology-Science-Knowledge-Fact-Information-Sequence-Mathematics-Quantity-Property (philosophy)-Modern philosophy-helloo
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Date: 28. Maijs 2011 - 17:03
sanāk, ka šo pašu bausli var attiecināt piem. uz Information
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Date: 28. Maijs 2011 - 17:59
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Date: 28. Maijs 2011 - 18:23

Sex-Genetics-Biology-Natural_Science-Science-Latin-Italic language-Indo_European-Language_Family-Language-Human-Taxonomy-Ancient_Greek-Greek_language-Greeks-Nation-Sovereign_state-State_(polity)-Social_sciences-Field_of_study-Academia-Community-Interacting-Causal-Result-Sequence-Mathematics-Quantity-Property_(philosophy)-Modern_philosophy ... tadā!

Jeb citiem vārdiem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZqs36C5sgM

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