Putting the 'Stout' back in Stoutwalker (or, There must be more to it than this...)
Hey.Mostly for the benefit of the locals (I think I got two on here) from Tampa/The county Hell.This is after a quick two beers with fgator5220 this past weekend.Remember going out? To a club, a bar, a dance hall, a tavern, saloon, pub, etc? We used to do the Castle every Thursday, till everyone realized they hated each other...So, I am noticing that my life (and all of ours, in general) is long on geekiness recently, and short on wine, women (or men, if you're into that sort of thing) and song.That's kinda sad.So, I propose the following:We load up, save a coupla bucks, get some sensibles (folks willing to drive and NOT drink), and we just go out somewhere, raise hell, carouse, and live for a bit, instead of pretending to be dead.So, officially I am calling a 'social' here. Friday sounds good to me (whats going on Friday? Mage? I got a theory about that. Wanna hear it? Fuck 'em. That's my theory.)Lets go out, and make something happen. Something fun, something we might tell out kids, or grandkids, about when the go out and do something incredibly stupid.Thats what I got.Who's in?
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