barbastello ([info]barbastello) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-24 15:30:00

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Broadcasting Live from Hurricane Jeanne
Hurricane Jeanne has hit Florida. It made landfall on the east coast of the state as either a Category 4 or Category 3 storm. As early as last evening (Around 10:30/11:00 PM) those of us on the West coast of Florida felt the effects of the storm, including high wind speeds (one of the columns on my homes carport was un-footed and in danger of slapping into my car), and rainfall. Today, I was up at 5:00 AM, and at work at 5:25 AM. The skeleton crew that the course has on weekends spread out all over the golf course and dismantled and stripped the whole course. All flags, tee markers (small 8"x8" bricks on each tee off area that mark where one can begin play on that hole), large water coolers, ball washer stands, boundary/water hazard stakes, sand/divit buckets, sand trap (bunker) rakes, signs, everything has to come off the course.Out on hole #12, Rick, the Asst Superintendent, and myself drove in his uncovered, no-windshield having cart/carryall. We drove right into the wind and rain, which by this time was bearing down and stinging us as we defied its power. Rick let out a yelp as rain and wind stung his eyes and face, I saw an elderly couple on their patio stowing their furniture inside. They waved to us, and in the cheeriest, brightest, most normal sounding tone I could muster I replied "Mornin'!" and waved to them. They looked confused, Rick laughed, and we kept going. And, of course, the storm was already bearing down on us. 40 MPH winds, hard beating rain were the order of the day for our crew this morning.At 8:00 AM, we were released from work, and I returned home to shower, change, gather my family and evacuate our Manufactured Home for a more permanent structure: My Wife's Bosses house.Our family (My wife, In-Laws and Uncle-In-Law) spent the day with Doc (Wife Boss) and his family. I slept for most of the day, waking up to check the progress of the storm. At one point, my father in law asked if we could go back home to pick something up. On our way back, we discovered a large tree down in the middle of our block, just two house from ours, and preventing us from taking the direct route to our house.Winds and rain increased. More trees, signs and misc. debris flew, and fell in our area. The Doc lost power.Our Manufactured Home (not as structurally sound as a normal home) does.We also have phone access, and internet access as well.So, our family is home, the winds are still pounding us, even more trees and stuff in our development are fallen like so many matchsticks in the wind. And the rain is still hammering us from above and sides.And my In-Laws are inviting the rest of the hold-outs and Doc and his family to our home for dinner.I sit here, listening to the weather channel, thinking about my day. I wonder why I decided to endure the early storm conditions this morning. It was my job, but other guys left early, bailed out for safeties sake. I guess I felt that the folks at the course/ development are older, mostly elder, some folks in late middle age, and I knew that they needed someone to stay and make sure they were somewhat safe. Not since 1886 has one state endured four hurricanes in one months time. That was Texas.Add Florida to the list, the year is 2004.Jeanne is no longer a Hurricane, it finally has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm. She makes her way out to the Gulf of Mexico, and onto the Panhandle of Florida and points North.And, I sit here, back in my home, typing to you, my friends, to let you all know I am OK, and safe.And I think, 'Well, now I have stories to tell my grandkids...'Be safe, stay happy.

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