Jā, protams, ka ir pētīta, es šeit dzīvoju, tāpēc arī mani tas reāli interesē. Biedri kongresā aktīvi atceļ helathcare jau tagad. Plānu viņa esmu lasījusi, piemēram,
Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
Pirmkārt, full competition jau bija pirms Obamacare, un viņa bija nereāli dārga un nepieejama low income iedzīvotājiem kā man.
Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.
Tieši republikāņu kongresam ir milzīgs lobijs farmācijas biznesā.
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