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Dec. 9th, 2008

Ja vakar bija morāls pagrimums un neiecietība pret cilvēci, tad šodien ir enerģijas pieplūdums ar ļoti sapņainu vīziju aiz katra stūra :)

I remember this feeling, it's time to find it again -


Dec. 8th, 2008

Just one of those days, when you look at people on the train or in the elevator and you wonder -
How do they find the motivation to keep on living? They're not pretty, they aren't smart, they haven't got much money, no aesthetics in the immediate surroundings, crappy weather, a country that is going down the drain - yet still they get up every single morning, some smile, others cuss, but they keep on living...with no apparent purpose or reason.

Dec. 4th, 2008

I'm afraid the 'party' might be over for me.
We'll wait and see...

Nov. 25th, 2008

Viens no tiem rītiem, kad tev šķebina no dzīves kā tādas.
Īpatnējā fona skaņa, kas liek tev morāli vemt no pasaules kā tādas.

Humanity sucks balls big time.

Nov. 20th, 2008

Things are quiet...

...and I hope to keep them that way for a while.

Can I get a 'sigh''sigh''sigh'?

Nov. 19th, 2008

The wheel turns. Spinning to make a web.
It seems that the Weaver has been making some very nice patterns with our lives.

Do you see it?
I guess not.

Nov. 17th, 2008

There isn't hate.
There isn't envey.
Just a wish to see blood.

Nov. 13th, 2008

global depression

Kaut kā jūtu ēterā augošu globālo depresiju.
Vajag kaut kā nobloķēt šo kanālu, lai es nekristu nepamatotā panikā.

Nov. 10th, 2008

scams that you want to believe

Šodien no rīta iegāju savā otrajā e-pastā un ieraudzīju brīnišķīgu paziņojumu!


You have emerged as the STAR prize winner of TWO MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND USD (US$2.5million) in this automated online ballot.

Nosūtot viņiem savu telefona numuru, man pat piezvanīja no Holandiešu numura. Bet nu gan jau ka tas viss ir sviests, jo nekur nefigurē neviena oficiāla iestāde un loterijas numura.

*Sigh* Would be nice to suddenly win $2.5 mil.

Nav godīgi ka visādi pidari drīkst šitādas ziņas izsūtīt un mocīt nabaga cilvēkus finansiālās krīzes laikā!
Tags: ,

Nov. 6th, 2008

Rodas sajūta, ka Eiropa pēdējā laikā ir tāds liels pods, kurā visi dirš...
Iespējams jādodas atklāt jaunu pasauli.

Potenciālie virzieni:
- Kanāda
- Jaunzēlande
- Austrālija

Oct. 31st, 2008

creepy crawlies

Kaut kāda vispārīgi neomulīga sajūta šodien.
Gribas visu laiku drebināties vai knosīties un tā tik vien liekas, ka kaut kas rāpo pa ādu. Kā arī vēderu nemitīgi samet kamolos.

I used to really like Halloween :(

P.S. un nē, man nav blusas :P

Oct. 30th, 2008

a thought

Why is it so easy to give good advice to others,
but so hard to follow the same advice yourself?

Oct. 23rd, 2008

This morning I felt like the God of Hangovers - no drinking, just the nasty feeling afterward.

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