in search of a pearl

Why is it that you have to dig through a ton of shit,
before you can find even one pearl?

It seems like the elusive pearl also has generally an age limit,
you can reach it only once you're in your mid 30'ties.

Until then, you just have to stick in the muck and keep on shoveling,
making sure that the pile of dirt doesn't bury you completely.


but this is the deal, cause right now we are beautiful and more or less healthy and can do pretty much all kinds of crap without consequences - though once we are older, we get the money and stability but are fatter, sicker and with more burdens

still, I don't think that it was really 'money' as such that I was thinking of with my 'pearl'
money is just something that opens up our opportunities. the more money you got, the more fun you can have.
The more inclined towards having fun you are, the less time you have to make money.

September 2013

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