Criminal tendencies ([info]asaa) rakstīja,
@ 2005-12-26 13:30:00

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Take the quiz:
What kind of cigarette are you? (pics)

You're Black Death! Strong cigarettes, very very very strong... Expensive and tough...

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Cik paredzami :)))
2005-12-28 20:53 (saite)
Take the quiz:
What kind of cigarette are you? (pics)

Marlbro Reds
Nice... You are Marlboro reds... Classic and roustic...

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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Re: Cik paredzami :)))
2005-12-28 22:00 (saite)
es,patiesiibaa,to pashu gaidiiju,bet dabuuju parsteigumu:))

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