zamza ([info]arc) rakstīja,
@ 2009-04-12 21:47:00

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viesníca ekonomiská
péc hostelja istabas norezervéshanas Hostelworldá atnáca sháds epasts:

Late Arrivals
Pre arranged or if you are delayed and arrive after 5.45pm, we will email your address and details of how to check in. (£25 charge) If you know you will be arriving late please let us know.

Visa/Mastercard/Maestro cards are accepted for payments £250 or over (5% fee), all money less than this amount must be paid in cash or bankers draft.

Any changes to booking must be made 24 hours prior to arrival. These are subject to availability & incur a £25 charge.

All short term bookings are subject to a £5 per person reservation fee.

Sunday Fee
Checking in on a Sunday will incur a £25 fee for studios and rooms, £15 for dorm bookings. Please note : Last check in is 4.45pm.

un uzvarétájs ir:

For studios and Ensuite rooms only, an additional £1.50 per day will have to be paid for in advance.

(c) N.Nosovs "Nezinítis uz Méness"

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