angelina1991 ([info]angelina1991) rakstīja,
@ 2010-03-22 20:33:00

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Rapidly changing technology has influenced the modern world .People began to talk less .Live conversation replaces equipment and this is very sad because nothing can replace real communication.
On the one hand, technology develops our world, people have more opportunities .You can find friends by correspondence, to communicate with people from English-speaking countries .It is very good.
But ,on the other hand ,no internet not replace me communication with people in a live and I think never change live communication with friends in the virtual.
Anxiety about the mental state of a person conducting a lot of time at the computer screen, is injurious to health.
But in this case the danger posed by the computer and the Internet not more than the risk of televisions, telephones, public transport, central heating and more others .However , concerns all the listed reasons long extinct, although, perhaps, these things too, one way or another changed the psyche of people .Technology prevents human communication .However , just the Internet makes communication more flexible, allows to overcome any distances and borders. For someone to express their thoughts and emotions in the form of text is good, people feel quite daring.
I consider ,that live communication not replace any technology .People need communicate more real.

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