androiids ([info]androiids) rakstīja,
@ 2012-06-10 18:46:00

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The night is still
And the frost it bites my face
I wear my silence like a mask
And murmur like a ghost
"Trick or Treat"
"Trick or Treat"
The bitter and the sweet

The carefree days
Are distant now
I wear my memories like a shroud
I try to speak but words collapse
"Trick or Treat"
"Trick or Treat"
The bitter and the sweet

I wander through your sadness
Gazing at you with scorpion eyes
Halloween... Halloween

A sweet reminder
In the ice-blue nursery
Of a childish murder
Of hidden lustre
And she cries
"Trick or Treat"
"Trick or Treat"
The bitter and the sweet

I wander through your sadness
Gazing at you with scorpion eyes
Halloween... Halloween

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