allaall ([info]allaall) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-16 13:11:00

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[insert inarticulate onomatopoeia here]
ah, school.I know I hid my brain under my bed somewhere. now I just have to find was pretty boring today. everything seems pretty straightforward, more nightmares reminiscient of english sunburned at cross country and then I was forgotten about and stranded in the lower lot for 2 hours.spent a grand total of 12 hours at school today.I mean, not that I don't cherish everyprecious momentof time that I spend there, but that's pushing the envelope just a teensy bit, ne?if it's 95 degrees outside, why the sporking hell are weeven running?why? return for a crappy day, you get a crappy update. fair's fair.but to give it some redemptionhere's someyoutube spam a la I shall toddle off to bed.EDIT: aw gawd. my life has been made. wut.I can die hysterical now.

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