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Posted on 2011.03.24 at 13:48
Current Music: we7.com
Если у парня с девушкой что-то не складывается, значит кто-то из них дура.


mis īdētāja
[info]sissy at 2011-03-24 16:03 (Link)
Visas duras. :) Tās, kas neduras, tās šņauc.
(c) [info]vikings
[info]f at 2011-03-24 16:03 (Link)
+1 par izteiksmi :)
[info]zan at 2011-03-24 16:14 (Link)
par to pašu tēmu:
"why is it that if a girl has sex with more than one guy she's a slut but if a guy has sex with more than one girl he's a legend?" the guy replies "if a lock can be opened by more than one key it's useless but if a key can open many locks its a master key"
[info]alcoholic at 2011-03-24 16:18 (Link)
es nez - šitas laikam mačisms.
[info]zan at 2011-03-24 16:25 (Link)
jā, bet Tavs posts gan ir rozā poniji un pūkaini kaķēni :P
[info]ziemas_spoks at 2011-03-24 16:49 (Link)
Salīdzinājums ļoti labs.

Bet tā nav nekāda atslēga.

Un tās nav nekādas slēdzenes.

[info]osinsh at 2011-03-24 17:44 (Link)
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