akumaniaks ([info]aku) rakstīja,
@ 2005-06-08 12:46:00

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(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2005-06-08 16:34 (saite)
neinteresanta speele, nav kaa man

no PAIN - no GAME - Āmriju Klubs 0 - 4

View game: HT Live
Date: 08.06.2005 at 13:45
MatchID: 46079552
Arena: no PAIN - no GAME Arena
Crowd: 8169

Overcast weather free of rain made for a crowd turnout of 8169 at no PAIN - no GAME Arena today. PAIN tactics involved an interesting 4-4-2 combination. They fielded: Violante - Roze, Shnurov, Klons, Ķiģelis - Bykov, Lavrov, Rēķītis, Paramonov - Rzhevskiy, Vidro.

Amrijas had chosen a strategic 3-5-2 formation. Lineup: Rannal - Päivärinta, Bikaunieks, Pokrovskiy - Stūrmanis, Zubrickis, Binklers, Brangulis, Dzelzis - Tishkov, Beirne.

PAIN were relying on their ability to counter-attack. Amrijas´s Alex Beirne gave the visitors a 0 - 1 lead in the 20:th minute with a superb strike from the right. Vsevolod Tishkov could have put his team up another one in the 32nd minute, after a rush down the left, but his closing shot hit the post. The away team´s Voldemārs Binklers took advantage of a mistake to the home side´s right in the 33rd minute increasing Amrijas´s lead to 0 - 2. After this Amrijas lowered the tempo in order to concentrate on their defensive efforts. Halftime score was 0 - 2. Amrijas, bringing the final ball possession rate to 76 percent, dominated the battle.

In the 53rd minute Amrijas put themselves up 0 - 3 after an attack from the right, caused by a defensive blunder. Scorer was Alex Beirne. After 54 minutes a combination in the middle resulted in a through ball for Alexey Pokrovskiy who increased Amrijas´s lead to 0 - 4. Reino Päivärinta received some harsh words from his coach after he acted foolishly, probably out of lack of experience, in the 56:th minute and almost caused an opponent to score. The fortyfive minutes were dominated by Amrijas, with an impressive 80 percent possession of the ball.

PAIN's best player was Roberts Vidro. However, Anton Paramonov made a disastrous appearance. The most dominating Amrijas player was without a doubt Kristofers Zubrickis. Reino Päivärinta was a disappointment, however. The match ends 0 - 4.

man ir 4:4 pagarinaajums...

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2005-06-08 16:39 (saite)
cuuka, vinjsh iesita pirmais es zaudeeju :'(
III liigai ar play it cool

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2005-06-08 17:06 (saite)
njā, nu vajadzēja ne "play it cool" :)
lai gan kamēr spēlētāji nav pieredzējuši tieši play it cool laikam ir vislabāk.
es pagāšgad līdzīgi zaudēju 2:3 pagarin III līgai.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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