akumaniaks ([info]aku) rakstīja,
@ 2004-03-02 10:13:00

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Balti krīt sniegs
Uz palodzes sēž kaukādi zaļi augi
Pretī man kolēģe ik pa brīdim pasmejas un kauko uzraxta

Šodien dabūšu grāmatu, tādu kā ievadu dzenbudismā. Vairāk gan par samurajiem.
Samurai nozīmē kalpot. Samuraji bija uzticīgi saviem saimniekiem līdz nāvei.
Ronins bija samurajs bez saimnieka.
Es neesmu ronins, jo man ir saimnieks. Mans vienīgais saimnieks ir ideja par cilvēku labsirdību.

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2004-03-02 10:20 (saite)
...dazzu labu citaatinnu ieraksti, lai es ar varu piedaliities graamatas lasiissanaa:)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

Re: :)
2004-03-02 10:22 (saite)
citaatu diezivai:) kjeepiigi buus, toties atzinjas droshi vari sagaidiit ;)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2004-03-02 10:23 (saite)
...gaidiissu ar nepacietiibu:))

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ja interese
2004-03-02 13:49 (saite)
Ronin - in Japanese history, masterless samurai. Ronin were retainers who were deprived of their place in the usual loyalty patterns of Japanese feudalism. The daimyo they had served might have died, been exiled, or become so poor that the samurai had to abandon his lord. Ronin became farmers, monks, soldiers of fortune, or even bandits. In demand in times of war, they were often a burden on society in times of peace. At their best, as in the story of the 47 Ronin depicted by Chikamatsu in his popular drama, they are a model of loyalty and self-sacrifice exemplifying bushido. In modern Japan, the term ronin is often given to high-school graduates who, having failed to pass college entrance exams, are preparing for another opportunity.

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Re: ja interese
2004-03-02 13:54 (saite)
apmeeram taa ari es sapratu shamos:)
tiko dabuuju graamatu krieviski par samurajiem (samurai:istorija i legendi). preciizu nosaukumnu neaceros.
interesee mani bushido lietas, lai dziivee neapjuktu ir nepiecieshams kaukas stiprs piekaa tureeties. kriestishiem taa ir biibele, musulmanjiem koraans, es savu vel mekleeju

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