Commander of the Grammar Squad
I have joined the few, the proud, the moderators...Courtney requested that I join her brand-spanking-new community, lit_aspiring. In doing so, I represent that "other half" of the publishing world - the editors. It is my responsibility to combat the urban legend that editors are cold-blooded, vicious tyrants whose sole purpose on this earth is to bastardize the genius of authors. In short, to slash & burn until a manuscript is more palatable to John Q. Bookbuyer.Starting today, I set out to convince the world that editors are not a "necessary evil," but a symbiotic partner in the writing process. I exist to help educate aspiring authors (and novice editors) about what the role of the editor truly entails, some common pitfalls of the editing process (like how to make constructive comments without being cruel), and other fun facts of the trade. And yes, I am actually enthusiastic about it. Once again, Courtney gives me the opportunity to play Commando and wax poetic on grammar. "With great power, comes great responsibility..." Mwa ha ha.
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