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@ 2009-01-31 14:07:00

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...And Toriphiles Everywhere Rejoiced
Now that Here. In My Head is switching servers and The Dent is defunct, it's been a little hard to keep up on the latest Tori news and gossip. (And nothing is more distressing/irritating/annoying than trying to find a reliable news source on the internet.) But, thanks to Undented, this is no longer going to be a problem. They're picking up where MikeWhy @ The Dent left off. And thank God for it, because they were up and running just in time to report on Tori's big announcement about her newest CD release! So, for those of you who haven't heard or don't have all the juicy details:
News: Get Ready For The Rarities Box SetPosted by Violet on Monday, June 26, 2006 | Releases Following up on the previous item we posted about an upcoming rarities box set, Undented has received a copy of the press release containing details of the set. A PIANO: THE COLLECTION, will be a five-disc, career-spanning box set consisting of classics, rarities, demos, B-sides and unreleased tracks. And yes, indeed, very exciting news for Toriphiles... Tori will finally introduce us to five very special songs: "Not David Bowie," "Zero Point," "Peeping Tommi," "Ode To My Clothes" and "Dolphin Song." Presented in deluxe packaging that resembles a piano's keyboard, this set will be released by Rhino Records on September 26, 2006, and will be available at regular retail outlets and at the Rhino Records website for a suggested price of $74.98. Produced by Tori, the career-spanning collection highlights selections from her studio albums as well as b-sides and songs that debuted on Tales of a Librarian. Featuring numerous unreleased songs, the box set contains a total of 86 tracks that combine well-known studio versions with rare alternative mixes, including several songs Tori remixed for this project. A PIANO: THE COLLECTION also offers a revealing and extensive track-by-track commentary penned by Tori, who discusses the inspiration behind the songs and albums and explains why they were chosen for this box set... The track listing for A PIANO: THE COLLECTION is as follows: * = previously unreleased Disc 1 1. Leather (Alternate Mix) 2. Precious Things (Alternate Mix) 3. Silent All These Years 4. Upside Down 5. Crucify (Unedited Single Version)* 6. Happy Phantom 7. Me And A Gun 8. Flying Dutchman (Alternate Mix) 9. Girl 10. Winter 11. Take To The Sky (Russia) 12. Tear In Your Hand 13. China 14. Sweet Dreams 15. Mother (Alternate Mix) 16. Little Earthquakes Disc 2 1. Cornflake Girl 2. Honey 3. Take Me With You* 4. Baker Baker (Alternate Mix) 5. The Waitress (Alternate Mix) 6. Pretty Good Year 7. God 8. Cloud On My Tongue 9. Past The Mission (Alternate Mix) 10. Bells For Her 11. Yes, Anastasia (Alternate Mix) 12. Blood Roses 13. Mr. Zebra 14. Caught A Lite Sneeze (Alternate Mix) 15. Professional Widow (Merry Widow Version Live) 16. Beauty Queen/Horses 17. Father Lucifer 18. Marianne Disc 3 1. Walk To Dublin (Sucker Reprise)* 2. Hey Jupiter (Dakota Version) 3. Professional Widow (Armand's Star Trunk Funkin' Mix) 4. Putting The Damage On 5. Bliss (Remixed Version) 6. Suede 7. Glory Of The 80's 8. 1000 Oceans 9. Concertina (Single Remix Version) 10. Lust 11. Datura 12. Sugar (Live from Sound Check) 13. The Waitress (Live) 14. Snow Cherries From France 15. Doughnut Song (Remixed Version) Disc 4 1. A Sorta Fairytale 2. Not David Bowie* 3. Amber Waves 4. Iieee (Remixed Version) 5. Playboy Mommy (Remixed Version) 6. The Beekeeper 7. Jackie's Strength 8. Zero Point* 9. Sweet The Sting 10. Ode To My Clothes* 11. Spark 12. Intro Jam* and Marys Of The Sea 13. Cruel (Remixed Version) 14. Dolphin Song* 15. Gold Dust Disc 5 1. The Pool 2. Never Seen Blue 3. Daisy Dead Petals 4. Beulah Land 5. Sugar 6. Cooling 7. Bachelorette 8. Black Swan 9. Mary (Tales Version) 10. Peeping Tommi* 11. Toodles Mr. Jim Demo Medley: 12. Fire-Eater's Wife/Beauty Queen (Demo)* 13. Playboy Mommy (Demo)* 14. A Sorta Fairytale (Demo)* 15. This Old Man 16. Purple People 17. Here. In My Head 18. Hungarian Wedding Song 19. Merman 20. Sister Janet 21. Home On The Range (Cherokee Edition) 22. Frog On My Toe

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