Off to the Races
It's a little depressing to find that most of your life can fit into small-sized U-Haul boxes and Rubbermaid storage containers.Obviously, I started packing last night. I haven't touched my clothes or my bed yet (well, other than the posts nearly killed myself doing it, too), but I've gone through all my books and DVDs, moved all the boxes I never unpacked out of my closet, taken down my small leaning shelves, and started piling everything up in one central location. It looks like I'm about half-done... but you never know. Whenever you start shoving things into boxes, it tends to look like you've done a lot more than you really have. I figure if I keep doing a few hours every night for the next couple nights, I should be good to go by Friday. I think.Moving is such a hassle. Especially when I'm all anxious/nervous about being on my own for the first time...
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