aktolkynworldww ([info]aktolkynworldww) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-29 22:15:00

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Munch, Munch, Munch
The great thing about Daylight Savings Time is the resulting confusion when you forget to change ALL your clocks. Especially if you're out and driving about with Erek and he suggests getting a drink or two. We both thought it was after 8 PM and so, though it was still a little early to start drinking, we thought it was late enough where we wouldn't feel like complete lushes for having a beer or two. We ended up sitting in Old Chicago for an hour, wondering why it was so empty. We didn't figure it out until we got back in the car - lol. It was barely 7:30 PM and we WERE lushes. Haha.After some down time at our houses, we attempted to go out again. Took Erek to Carlyle Brewing Co. because he'd never been down there. Had some phenomenal beer and soft pretzels as we chatted about my upcoming move and other sundry things. Over the course of the night we also decided that "munch" is one of the funniest words in the English language. All in all, it was a good time - gotta make the most of what little time I have left in Screw City, after all.

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