Alphabet Soup
Because I'm only working a half day today, and I need to have something with which to while away the time until I get to leave. Then lunch with Becky & Lisa, and then I hit the road with Joey. Action-packed day. Or, it will be once I leave work. Work is NOT action-packed. Even work for the military. [A is for age of your first kiss:]13... a lot of firsts that year, now that I think about it.[B is for booze of choice:]Amaretto, rum, or whiskey.[C is for career:]As of Nov. 7th, editorial assistant for McDougal-Littell's Language Arts department skills team.[D is for dad's name:]Robert (occasionally known as His Holiness Robert I)[E is for essential items to bring to a party:]A bottle of something, and a single friend. ;-)[F is for favorite song at the moment:]Well, lately, "Face to Face" by Souixsie & the Banshees keeps popping into my head. Although "Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect" by The Decembrists is certainly giving it some strong competition.[G is for favorite game:]Scrabble I never lose. Ever. And I like that.[H is for hometown:]Rockford, IL (Screw City Pride, y'all!)[I is for instrument you play:]Guitar, really badly.[J is for jam or jelly you like:]I don't like jellies, sorry. And no, I'm not a terrorist[K is for kids?]Eventually... when I'm ready. Though I doubt anyone is ever *truly* ready for children.[L is for last kiss?]Sometime late July; had "mistake" written all over it. And he wasn't that great of a kisser, either.[M is for mom's name:]Carol (occasionally known as Mother Superior)[N is for name of your crush:]When I find out, I'll be sure to let you know. ;)[O is for overnight hospital stays?]Not if I have anything to say about it I HATE hospitals.[P is for phobias:]Slight problem with heights. And I've had issues with small spaces ever since the time my brother shut me up in a fold-out sofa. Oh, and there's the completely irrational vampire thing.[Q is for quote you like:]"You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think." Dorothy Parker.[R is for relationship that lasted the longest:]Two years and change.[S is for sexual preference:]Whoever's handy. "I park like I love mostly straight." LMAO[T is for time you wake up:]6 AM... *groan*[U is for underwear:]I own a ridiculous amount (something like 65 pairs) and sometimes, I even wear them.[V is for vegetable you love:]Potatoes, red peppers, or cucumbers.[W is for worst habit:]Closing people out.[X is for x-rays you've had:]Just my teeth. Always been a bit disappointed that I've never broken a limb I've wanted a cast ever since I was really little.[Y is for yummy food you make:]Marinated chicken, pasta with marinara, grilled cheese sandwiches.[Z is for zodiac sign:]Sagittarius
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