_diamond_ ([info]_diamond_) rakstīja,
@ 2003-12-01 22:05:00

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A Definition Of Love

To love is to dedicate and commit,
and truly care with all your heart...
To unconditionally give and receive,
and share feelings, emotions and concerns.

To love is to understand a lover's worries
and respect any unpopular points of view...
To whisper words of truth and peace
and commune with silent voices within.

To love is to share deep-rooted secrets
and help fulfill desires of the heart...
To communicate every vision conceived
and strive to accomplish all known dreams.

To love is to cheerfully enjoy in good times
and be bold to stay in bad times...
To bear together private pains and gains
and share public shame and pleasures.

To love is to celebrate victories won
and forget losses that hurt feelings...
To defend and protect at all times
and help drive away hidden fears.

To love is to mutually resolve differences
and complement every strength and weakness...
To forgive all sins and trespasses
and forget known faults and failures.

To love is to be truthful and honest
and not harbor any hidden agenda...
To be selfless and generous in all regards
and believe and trust with all the heart.

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