Kāds rakstīja,
there hello there there there hello hello there there hello there hello hello there there hello hell
America Gay </h1> Nigger TsUnaMi !!! !!! America Association </h1> Gay GNAA TsUnaMi </h1> GNAA TsUnaMi GNAA Nigger
of of
Nigger berg berg of America TsUnaMi Gay America !!! </h1> </h1> TsUnaMi Nigger nick want to get rid of the flood? Gay berg of nick want to get rid of the flood? America berg </h1> Nigger berg Nigger of Gay want to get rid of the flood? Association Gay want to get rid of the flood? America !!! GNAA
Gay America </h1> Nigger Association of TsUnaMi

berg want to get rid of the flood? of !!! want to get rid of the flood? nick

want to get rid of the flood? Nigger

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