Poll #12646 fjuuzhn
Open to: All, results viewable to: All
VEČIEM: Ieķeksē, ja esi redzējis:
Mūsdienu apokalipse (Apocalypse Now)
13 (68.4%)
Krusttēvs 1 un 2 (The Godfather)
14 (73.7%)
Lielais Lebovskis (The Big Lebowski)
14 (73.7%)
Ceļa bruņinieks (Knight Rider)
9 (47.4%)
Cīņas klubs (Fight Club)
17 (89.5%)
2 (10.5%)
Labais, ļaunais un neglītais (The Bad, The Good and The Ugly)
5 (26.3%)
Cietais rieksts (Die Hard)
17 (89.5%)
Seja ar rētu (Scarface)
13 (68.4%)
Ķieģelis (Brick)
4 (21.1%)