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5. Dec 2007


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60%How Addicted to Apple Are You?

(8 raksta | ir doma)


darkz / 5. Decembris 2007@17:14
0% FTW!
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sramgni / 5. Decembris 2007@17:22
0%How Addicted to Apple Are You?

Arlington Dating

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mazheks / 5. Decembris 2007@17:34
0% !!!!
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bez4pieci / 5. Decembris 2007@22:07

nav slikti pirmajam macam un bez iphone ;)
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smejmoon / 6. Decembris 2007@01:58
32% :)

bet jautājumā par makiem un kafeinīcām man palika skumji :(
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kruts / 6. Decembris 2007@10:24
10%, bet tikai tāpēc, ka man uzdāvināja iPodu, kas man vairāk nepatīk, nekā patīk.
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leocat / 6. Decembris 2007@16:40
$4375.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.

Philadelphia Dating

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leocat / 27. Decembris 2007@15:04

Looking for payday loans?

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