Pēteris Caune, jaunumi ([info]cu) rakstīja,
@ 2006-10-02 18:46:00

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Dienas programma – figlet. Ar to var taisīt glītus no rakstzīmēm sastāvošus uzrakstus. Piemēri:

                                           _       _       
  ___ _   _   ___  ___ _ ____   _____ _ __(_)___  | |_   __
 / __| | | | / __|/ _ \\ '__\\ \\ / / _ \\ '__| / __| | \\ \\ / /
( (__| |_| |_\\__ \\  __/ |   \\   /  __/ |  | \\__ \\_| |\\ V / 
 \\___|\\__,_(_)___/\\___|_|    \\_/ \\___|_|  |_|___(_)_| \\_/  

    __          __                    
   / /_  ____ _/ /_  ____  ____  ____ 
  / __ \\/ __ `/ __ \\/ __ \\/ __ \\/ __ \\
 / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
/_.___/\\__,_/_.___/\\____/\\____/_/ /_/ 

  |     __        _  
 _|    /  \\_|  |_|/  
(/\\___/\\__/  \\/  |__/

Šo programmu var dabūt, uzinstalējot paciņu figlet. Var arī izmēģināt tiešsaistē.

Citās ziņās, Toms ir beidzot atradis nepagurstošu diskusiju biedru – irc botu word:

(12:42:22) tm: word: moron?
(12:42:23) word: tm: see  toms
(18:46:53) tm: word: you are stupid
(18:46:54) ***word cries
(18:48:36) tm: word: are you stupid?
(18:48:37) word: tm: no way, only one stupid here is tm!!!
(18:50:51) tm: word: you are very stupid
(18:50:52) word: tm: But you are 'very very stupid'...

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